Along with crocheting, cross stitch was one of the first crafts that I learned, this time from my other Grandmother, Toni. I used to cross stitch a lot, but I stopped a long time ago, probably in high school, or maybe even middle school.
Seeing as how I'm on bed rest, I am limited in the types of hearts that I'm able to create, so I prepared for my time in bed and have a pile of stuff next to me. Today was cross stitch (as mentioned above).
I have a ton of DMC embroidery floss
I used graph paper to kind of make a key for myself, I didn't really need one, but I wanted to use my graph paper because it's fun...
I folded the embroidery cloth in half and then in half again to determine the center. Excuse the picture on my bed, but that's where I am now...
Halfway through, this is where I was.
How it ended. I think it's OK. I have a plan for this one though for the it's not 100% done, but it's done enough for this project!
It turned out really well. Not even a spot from your Italian lunch got on it! You go, girl!