Thursday, March 3, 2011

#39-Punch around the page...

I have a love/hate relationships with my Martha Stewart Punch-Around-the-Page sets.  I bought one last summer to use on these invitations that I was going to do, but it didn't work and it made me very mad. So mad that I had to throw it across the room. 

Here it is. The whole
The other day I opened a handmade envelope and pulled out a handmade card, made especially for me, inspired by this blog, from my friend Cat (Hi Cat!).  She'd used a very fun heart punch from Martha. So I went to Mike's to find it, but could only get it in the punch around the page combo. Sigh. I really wanted it though, so fine. I bought the whole set. 

Here's how to use it...
(I got sick of writing pictorial tutorial...)

This is the corner punch, use it on the corner of your page...

This is what it looks like when you're done with that part. Quite a pretty corner if I do say so myself.

This is the cool part and why Martha is a crafting genius...The sides of this punch have a "map" on them to line up your already punched parts. Very very cool. This one even has a map of the corner, I don't think my other one has that...

Here is the reason why the PATP's and I don't get along...
How annoying is THIS?

So that situation up there happens every single time I use one of these sets and it really makes me mad. What you're looking at is an A9 sized flat card in the color cement.  It finally dawned on me that it might be the size of this making it not work, so I did another one a regular sheet of 8.5x11 piece of fuschia paper and it worked out perfectly. Now I have to apologize to my other set for throwing it across the room...
This actually makes me very happy. Me LIKEY!

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