Thursday, March 3, 2011

#37--Chalky Chalky Chalk Chalk Chalk (hearts)

Obviously needing to be
re-done. It's all smeared.
I was in a conversation the other day about IPad covers. Since the IPad2 is coming out in a mere 8 days (listen to how techy-nerdy I sound), I was investigating covers on Etsy and discovered THIS super fabulous one. To be honest, I saw it in a Facebook post a few weeks ago and it stuck in my mind...Back to the conversation that I was having yesterday...It was about Bistro Chalk Markers and if they actually work or not. Well, since the Happy Hour board at our bar, Bayou City Bar & Grill, needed to be re-done I obviously thought it was the perfect blog opportunity staring me right in the face.

So fresh and so clean.
We've had the Bistro Chalk Markers around for awhile, but we also have a ton of regular sidewalk chalk around. I'm actually thinking of taking this regular stuff to Krypto (the other club) and drawing all over the floor with it just because I can. Anyway, I cleaned off the Smirnoff chalk board (thank you Smirnoff rep, I think I have like 30 of these in storage) with a wet rag.

Side by side. Bistro on
the left, sidewalk on the
Then I took out the blue Bistro and the blue sidewalk chalk and drew hearts (of course).

 I didn't realize that the Bistro has to dry, it doesn't take a long time, but it still has to.  Look at what happened when I smeared it...

The only reason the Bistro looks a bit distressed is because it wasn't dry. Ooops. Anyway, I'd forgotten how, um, chalky sidewalk chalk is. That stuff is crazy dusty. I can't believe they used to make us bang erasers together to get all the dust out in elementary school. Can you imagine that now?  I'm blaming many of my health issues on this. I might sue...

Or not. Anyway, the Bistro Chalk is really cool. Obviously no dust, hence no lawsuits.  It's also really clean and it comes off with a wet rag. So easy and cool. I love it.

I re-did the board. Thom the Happy Hour manager loved it. I think it looks just OK. I needed some fun stencils or something since my handwriting is atrocious. 

The only reason this picture is in here is because I recently learned that some members of our staff read this blog religiously (you know who you are...thank you, but you're about to be called out).  Look at the condition of this office...SHAMEFUL and that's all I'm going to say about that. CLEAN YOUR MESS. YOUR MOTHER DOESN'T WORK HERE.

Have a lovely evening. 


  1. Omg...
    This is a lie..
    And my mom those work here right Mark?...

  2. Thank you Caryn! I think I'm going to get those markers and the chalkboard labels for our toy bins!
