Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Very Dirty Bracelet and A Naughty Little Rose...

Remember that time when I tore up a TRN (trashy romance novel) to make a heart wreath? I felt so inspired by that craft that I decided to rip up another book to create more goodness out of literary badness.  Since I have boxes of TRN's lying around my house (any takers on those?), this undertaking was quite easy.  I figure if no one wants them (slight hint there people) I shall cut them up and make stuff out of them. Just watch, one day you'll find me walking down the road in a dress made out of TRN pages...

The book that I used for these two crafts was Getting Lucky, by Joanne Rock. Like my last TRN project, I didn't feel particularly bad about destroying this book because well, it just wasn't any good. It was quite contrived and utterly unrealistic and as I was reading it months ago I was already planning on tearing it up. 

Anyway, I gathered my supplies, Mod Podge (seems to be my go to glue this week), an evil glue gun (not pictured because it and I are not friends after my finger got burned) and a blank bracelet that I found at Michaels. 

Supplies, look closely at the background and see a future craft in action...

This was my inspiration for the bracelet. I love how it looked. You can find this fine creation and many others like it HERE on Etsy. 

I tore out a page and glued it to the bracelet. I could have used PVA, but the Mod Podge was so readily available that I got lazy and used that instead. It worked though...

When it was dry, I cut the page closer to the edge and wrapped it around and glued the edges to the back. Then I Mod Podged the entire thing. I got a little excited to MP something again and I TOTALLY forgot to stamp something on top of the writing. Sigh. Guess I have to make another one...

I thought it was a little boring by itself so I glued these tiny little metal roses on top of it.

OK, that's not the entire story...I got a little too excited about completing my project and didn't look at the words on the page that I used...Let's just say that they aren't exactly G-rated...So I needed an accoutrement to sensor some of the very naughty language that Joanne used while writing her story...

The finished product. I like it. I might wear it. Or I might just give it to someone. If I give it to you, just know that it's coming accompanied by a box of books. 
Here we go with TRN craft #3. This is my inspiration. I found this pic on Etsy, but forgot to copy the link. So I'm not taking credit for this little bit of fabulousness at all...
This is not my pic. I stole it off Etsy.

 I really really really wanted to make this rose. It's been on my Crafting List of Things To Do for freaking ever. I tried it once before, but it got messed up because TRN pages are really small. For this reason, I pasted a bunch of pages together using PVA because it dries so fast.  

Then I folded it a bunch of times lengthwise and rolled it in a circle, securing it along the way with evil hot glue, being careful not to let it crease too much. I wanted my rose to have "body," so I made sure that the paper was puffy in some places.  Once all of the paper was rolled, I secured the end with evil hot glue. I turned it over and popped it out, so the rose wouldn't be flat. To help it keep shape, I used a ton of hot glue on the back of it and that seemed to work.  I'm sure that there is a better way to do this, but at the time, this is what I came up with. 

I experimented with Mod Podge Clear Sealer Gloss in the spray can. I figured it would be just like a spray polyurethane for paper, but it wasn't.  It wasn't nearly as thick, even after several coats. In the end, I used a paint brush and painted on some more MP.

I think I'm happy with the final result. It's a little smaller than I wanted, in the future, I'll use many more TRN pages.  I DO think that I'm going to put this on a head band. It will be perfect to wear to work at the paper store. 

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