Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I glittered my shoes and they are AWESOME...

It was high school when I discovered my OBSESSION with all things sparkley. I suspect this happened because I was a dancer at the time (ballet, not the "other" kind) and we always had some bling on our costumes...I used spray glitter for the first time on one of my tutu's.  Ah happy memories!  Anyway, one day when I was 16, I got myself a bottle of glittery puff paint and much to my fathers chagrin, I glitterized my Nike's. I wore them until they literally fell apart, I feel like that special pair can still be found in my parents basement. I shall check when I visit them in July...but I digress...

Last weekend I was trolling my favorite DIY blogs and came across THIS blog and THIS one showing how to glitterize a pair of pumps. Why, hello and welcome to my life! I was feeling a bit down and well, there is nothing better than a good pair of glittered shoes to make one feel better.  I just knew that I must have a suitable pair in the "give away" pile, so I went downstairs and stalked the boxes that totally should have gone to Goodwill 3 months ago and VOILA, I found the most perfect pair EVER...

I bought these babies for $10 online at Victorias Secret a few years ago. They ended up in the GW pile because I never wore them. They're boring. This is the perfect project to make them un-boring. Notice the Martha Stewart Glitter just waiting to create fabulousness...

I stuffed them with plastic bags.  While glitter is fun, I have a feeling that it would NOT be fun stuck in between my toes every time I wear these in the future...

I mixed the Martha glitter with Mod Podge to make a glitter glue. I could have used PVA instead, but Mod Podge is what the other blogger used (the one with the oxford shoes) and it looked really good. PVA also dries really fast and I didn't want to have to deal with that...I used a lot of glitter (too much actually, I had enough to glitterize the top of a box that will appear on this blog soon) and mixed it really well.

I totally forgot to photograph myself applying the glitter, but I did, with a paint brush. The shoes were suede-ish, so the glitter stuck really well to them. If they had been patent leather, I think it would have chipped off and not stuck very well.

This is how they looked (well, not they, it) when I was done glitterizing...

I wanted to make sure that the glitter didn't flake off. I could just imagine myself leaving a trail of glitter everywhere I went. Since I value my privacy, I applied another layer of plain Mod Podge and let it dry overnight. 

There is no picture that can do these justice. They are FABULOUS. I love that this cost me no money. I had all of this stuff already. Re-using is so cool!


  1. Modern day ruby slippers....LOVE THEM!

  2. they look great. one word of advice I just saw here (http://alittlehut.blogspot.com/2011/05/day-11-how-to-make-coaster-set.html) was that mod podge doesn't like too much moisture and you should spray it with clear spray paint to seal it when you are done.

  3. Very interesting RA...Which sealer would you use? It needs to be flexible so the glitter doesn't flake off when the shoe bends.

  4. What a fabulous idea! LOVE these shoes!
