Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Anniversary Tater Hearts.

Today is my third wedding anniversary. Three years ago on a cloudy January day in Walt Disney World I married the love of my life!  While reminiscing about this glorious event last night, my friend Kristen suggested that I use the traditional and modern third anniversary gifts (crystal and leather) as my muse for today's heart. It was a good idea, but I couldn't wrap my head around it and in fact, this leathering crystal idea kept me awake all night (that's just ridiculous, i know)...

I decided to just let it go for today, thinking that some fabulous idea would pop up unexpectedly and so in celebration of the third year of our marriage, Mark and I decided that all you can eat pancakes at IHOP were a great way to start the day.

Imagine my surprise, as I'm wolfing down hash-browned taters, when my husband says, "You should make those into a heart." SCORE! I LOVE TATERS! This idea is more appropriate and special than anyone can ever know (or want to know really), so I set to my task...and Voila!  A tater heart!  The even funnier part, is that the waiter kept wanting to take away my plate and I was throwing him angry death glares as I photoghraped said heart with my iPhone...

Happy Anniversary Honey (he looks thrilled doesn't he?)!

1 comment:

  1. I tried posting this the other day, but it never showed. Wanted to wish you and Mark a Happy Anniversary. And I HEART your new blog. :)
