Sunday, January 30, 2011

Iron on Heart...(This blog is rated MA for Mature Adult)

After yesterdays debacle, I had a hard time coming up with an idea for today's heart.  In fact, it was so bad that my husband even doubted my ability to get it done today. Hater. When I started this blog, I said that if I didn't have an idea when I woke up, something would come to me as the day went on and it would be totally right. And I was totally right about that, because I did get an idea and it was great.

In my "normal" life (and I use the term normal loosely as our life is anything but) my husband and I own bars and nightclubs.  We popped into one of our bars, Bayou City Bar & Grill, on our way home tonight and found a friend of ours in a state. He'd just broken up with his girlfriend. So sad...Well, for his birthday a few months ago, I promised that I would make him a shirt that said "Manwhore" (hence the reason for the MA rating of this blog, that and my use of the word "crap" down below-but I digress, please continue reading...), but he started dating this girl and I never got around to it.  So of course, when I hear about the break up, I instantly recognize an idea for a heart (phew, crisis averted, we were getting close to the wire as it was nearly 10pm)!!! It was time for me to make that shirt. Bar people love stuff like this, so I think that my idea is going to go over in a really big way.  I also think that this person (who shall remain nameless, because, well, I didn't really tell him that he was going to be featured as my blog person of the day) will be so honored that I thought of him in his time of need.

See the heart on the end? It's
teeny-tiny which is very fitting
for a "Manwhore" t-shirt.
I had already bought the stuff at Michael's a few months ago, so I pulled it out of its hiding place, dusted it off and gathered the rest of my supplies (scissors, iron on letters, t-shirt, ruler and iron).  I carefully cut out the letters (which are fuzzy, red and pretty fun) and placed them on the shirt.  I never follow directions (as evidenced by yesterday's drama), I know that they tell you to wash and iron the shirt first, but I didn't have time for that, so lets just hope for the best with future washings. Anyway, I measured (which I'm not a fan of, measuring is no fun) and placed each letter in a happy little line. Then I took the dot from the question mark in my iron on letters pack and trimmed it to make a little heart.

I grabbed an old tank top to use as a pressing cloth and I started to iron on the letters for 20 seconds as indicated on the packaging.  I'm not sure how many of you have actually done iron-on's before, but those directions are crap.  It takes WAY more than 20 seconds for those things to melt and it rarely ever happens with a pressing cloth which is why I ditched mine really really quickly.

Ahhh, much better...
It took awhile to get most of the letters on there, but I patiently ironed each of them on, not wanting a repeat of yesterday.

The final product. I really think he's
going to love it. Sorry the picture kind
of stinks...

  Side Note: I totally meant to do that with the "E"

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