Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#19--Heart shaped letter

I've been meaning to send a letter to someone in my life for some time now and I keep letting it go for some reason. Then today happened, I'm in the middle of IVF treatments and I'm exhausted. So I pulled out my 365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life! book and looked for an idea. While reading it, I had to remind myself that the idea is not to create something or craft something everyday, but to incorporate a heart into something that I do everyday. So I sent a heart shaped letter to my very special someone.  It was an idea in the book (several ideas actually) so I figured that it wasn't cheating.

I used an 8.5x11 paper heart that came in a pack from Paper Source, I also found a very pretty envelope that I'd made a few months ago, I wax sealed it and that was it!


  1. Caryn! That envelope is awesome! I have to know how you made it! I assume you used one of those border punches?

  2. Thanks Erin!

    Cat, I actually used paper with a border on it already. I have the Martha punches though, so I guess I could use those too...I'll try that sometime this week!
