Friday, February 4, 2011

Heart Wax Seals

I was super excited to do a snow blog today, but the weatherman totally disappointed me. There was no snow. There was barely even ice. What a let down. Anyway, so I had to cancel my snow blog plans and move on with my Valentine project...

The finishing touch on my Valentine's are Heart Wax Seals. Wax seals are classic and classy. They've evolved over the last hundred or so years too, which is good.  It used to be that you had to take this candle type thing, light it on fire and let the wax drip on the paper. This is bad for several reasons; 1. me lighting things on fire is a big no-no. 2. the soot from the wick would contaminate the wax, changing it's color and making it look not so fun. Thankfully, we now have glue gun wax that is great.  Unlike the old fire wax, the glue gun wax is flexible, so when it's mailed, it doesn't crack. Super Fab. 

My heart wax seals

Just because it's easier...
Pictorial Tutorial-Wax Sealing For Pros

This is my "SUREBONDER"  it's what I use to seal things with wax. Really, it's just a huge glue gun, but I like calling it by its given name...

When you let the "SUREBONDER" sit for awhile, it leaks...They look like tiny little piles of purple poop.

Squirt some glue/wax onto the envelope...

Then, take your seal and sit it in the middle of the glue/wax. Make sure that the seal is facing the direction that you want it to face. Also, I try to do two at a time. Multi-tasking in crafting is mas importante. Let it sit for a minute or so and then gently rock the seal off of the wax. 

And you're done! I used two different colors of glue/wax, red and purple!

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