Friday, February 18, 2011

#27--Tissue paper heart card thing...

I can't believe that I totally forgot to blog this last night. Sigh...

I've previously mentioned the book Playing with Books: The Art of Upcycling, Deconstructing, and Reimagining the Book. In it there are several projects that I wanted to try (heart style of course). One of them is this (over there on the left). It was a lovely thought and I have in fact seen them made circle style by someone else and they were super cool and I just loved those little paper puffs.

So I figured that I could use these little fibrous heart shaped things that I've had for years.  I'm not even sure what they're for or where I got them, but it was a lot easier than cutting out hearts (soooooooo not in the mood for that last night).

Here's a miserably blurry picture of my start...I used PVA (this time I used THIS kind of PVA because it was easier to apply in the bottle).

I glued a bunch of them together at the sides, not really knowing what I was doing (obviously) and ended up with this...

Somehow, it ended up coming apart and I decided that it was better off as a pop-up for a card. It actually looks really cool and I like it. 

I finished it by putting a pink heart on the front...

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