Saturday, February 19, 2011

#29--Engraving the cheap way...

This is going to be the quickest blog entry ever as I'm almost late for my appointment...

In high school art class, we used to do this ENGRAVING  thing and a few years ago I was putzing around Michael's and I found it, so I picked it up along with a tool.

Last night while I couldn't sleep, I remembered that it was stashed away and figured that it would be a really quick project for this morning before I get all doped up on Valium...

A Pictorial Tutorial...

The package...

On the back of one sheet, I used a stamp to make a heart outline.  The red thing is the scraper tool. I really like the scraper tool. It's very useful. I'm glad that I remembered that I have it...
I cut it out and then traced a squiggly design on it using a pencil...

I scraped all the blackness away from my design...Then I scraped the edges of the heart too because they looked messy and were stressing me out...

The finished project.

Gotta run!


  1. I remember doing those in school! Ours had rainbow colors underneath the black. I even made some DIY ones at home by painting colors all over white paper and then coloring over them like a maniac with black crayon.

  2. We used to do these in art class too! I also remember the home made ones that Erin did. I love this heart! So adorable
